Cancer-Causing Flame-Retardant Chemicals on Furniture and Other Household Items

Cancer-Causing Flame-Retardant Chemicals on Furniture and Other Household Items

Endocrine FunctionCognitive Function and Brain Development in ChildrenNervous System FunctionStudies have also shown that exposure to flame retardant chemicals may impede thyroid function, increase risk of diabetes and long-term exposure puts you at high risk for cancer. According to scientists, the biggest exposure to flame retardant chemicals seems to come through chemical accumulation from household and office dust.Below I list links … Read More

Do You Have Correct Sitting Posture at Your Desk?

Sitting at a desk looking at a screen all day long is exhausting, whether you’re in the office or working from home. Not having correct sitting posture may be what’s to blame for your chronic neck and back pain (which is already bad enough as it is) but can also put you at risk for a LOT of other health … Read More

Is Working or Learning from Home Causing You Pain?

Is Working From Home Causing You Pain

As the American workforce was forced to adapt to lockdowns and social-distancing measures, businesses needed to find ways to resume productivity. Many employers, schools, and higher learning institutions turned to remote work and learning. This opened the door to new ways to communicate between team members and classmates but may have caused hidden health issues unintentionally. As workers and students … Read More